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Intelligent Information Extractor

ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) technology is an optimal recognition system, more advanced and specific than OCR based on AI and neural networks.

It allows you to capture document data in both handwritten or typographic letters so that they can be processed and integrated into other applications very easily … Delivery notes, production orders, work reports, invoices, orders, payroll, sentences … Everything can be treated. You just have to choose everything, a part, a section and ICR will return it to you in the chosen file. (TUTORIAL)

Most companies produce a large amount of paper, manually registering it in their ERP, CRM, HR to digitize it, is expensive and tedious and leads to logical errors.

Thanks to ICR DATA EXTRACTOR, they can be instantly entered into your databases, facilitating the tasks of classification, segmentation and data extraction, and saving time and money.

How can you use it?

Once scanned or photographed individually or in blocks, the application automatically recognizes them, even handwritten digits. The document can be recognized completely, or by regions of interest. ICR will return the information to you.

The application can be used from any mobile device, provided with a browser and internet connection, ICR will learn from your texts using AI.

Imagine not having to spend so much paper. You reduce expenses for your company. What if you could empty all those warehouses full of papers by digitizing them? You recycle them, that way you give them another life. All that extra space can be used for new resources for your business.